
Course Details!


This course helps you understand the computer architecture and operating system.
Assembly language is designed to understand the instruction and provide it to machine language for further processing.
It mainly depends on the architecture of the system, Assembly language unlocks the secret of your computer's hardware and software, it teaches you about the way the computer's hardware and operating system work together and how, the application programs communicate with the operating system, Assembly language, unlike high level languages, is machine dependent.

What Will I Learn?

  • Write faster code (even in high-level language)!
  • Understand how things work underneath!
  • Learn the basic organization of the underlying machine!
  • Learn how the computer actually runs a program!
  • Design better computers in the future!
  • Some software is still written in assembly language!
  • [Code that really needs to run quickly! , Code for embedded systems, network processors, etc.! ]


  • Certificate Of Attendance From IT-Gate Academy

Assembler syntax

  • Each assembly line begins with either a label, a blank (tab), an asterisk, or a semicolon.

Symbols / Labels

  • Symbols – Symbols are used as labels, constants, and substitution values – Symbols are stored in a symbol table.

Mnemonics / Operands

  • The mnemonic field follows the label field, Operand Field – The operand field follows the mnemonic field and contains one or more operands.

Assembler Directives

  • Assembly directives are used to specify: – Starting addresses for programs – Starting values for memory locations – Specify the end of program text.

Assembly List File

  • A line in a listing file has four fields.


  • Describe the meaning of compilation.

Overview of assembly language instructions

  • Arithmetic (Learn to Add source to destination, add source and carry to destination, add source and carry to destination, t Subtract source from destination Subtract source and not carry from destination).
  • Data instructions (Learn to Compare source to destination, Move source to destination).
  • Logical and register control instructions (Learn to AND source with destination, Clear bits in destination, set bits in destination, Test bits in destination, XOR source with destination).
  • Single Operand Instructions (Learn to Roll destination right, roll destination right through carry, Swap bytes Swap bytes in destination SXT, Sign extend destination, Push source on stack Program flow control instructions, Subroutine call to destination).

Jump Instruction Format

  • Jump instructions are used to direct program flow to another part of the program.

Emulated Instructions

  • Learn to work with Arithmetic instruction, data instructions, logical and register control instructions, Program flow control.

Data allocation

Where are the operands?

  • Addressing modes
  • Register
  • Immediate
  • Direct
  • Indirect

if-then-else Translation

  • switch
  • case Translation


  • for-loop Translation
  • while Translation
  • Better for-loop Translation

Instruction Timing

Data transfer instructions

  • Mov
  • Xchg
  • xlat
  • PTR directive
